Friday, June 8, 2012


Oh wow, this quarter is already over? It seems like just yesterday I was making funny faces into Paola's camera. I've learned so much this quarter, not only about a different facet of journalism but also about the importance of tripods,

Last quarter I took Media Writing and Copy Editing, and I thought those classes were crazy and difficult, but I thought I understood at least the basics of journalism because of them. I knew about nut graphs and leads and word limits, and that was great. After a few tries I started to get that, and then I came into multimedia journalism, and I felt like I was back to square one.

This class didn't use writing, it used pretty much anything else imaginable to tell a story. Before this quarter, I had thought that videos and photos in journalism were just helping hands. They didn't stand alone. Boy was I wrong.

I'm a writer, that's what I'm good at, never did I think that I could portray so much with pictures, although the saying "A picture's worth a thousand words" had to come from somewhere, I suppose. For me, this class was extremely difficult because I just don't have the eye for photos, or videos. That's why all my pictures were fundamentally the same. I really had to work to make things visually appealing, something I usually use my words for.

I now know that this realm of journalism exists and is so fascinating. It's a true talent to tell a story with little to no written words. I feel as if my photos and videos improved as the class went on, I'm no master photographer, but I wouldn't say I'm just a newbie with a camera.

All in all this was a wonderful experience, and even if I don't go on to be a multimedia journalist I think I learned skills that will be useful later on.